Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Hydrasearch and Buck Algonquin merged in 2007. Buck Algonquin is now a legacy product line manufactured and sold by Hydrasearch.

Companies or individuals wishing to do business with Hydrasearch Company LLC should see our “Supplier Information” section.

For employment with Hydrasearch Company LLC please review our “Careers”section.

For copies of any Hydrasearch Company LLC certifications please see our “Legal & Policies” section.

If you would like to purchase our recreational/commercial product from a local distributor in your area please visit our “Find A Distributor” section. For our defense products, you can request a quote via ‘Request Information’ link present on our site and we will work with connecting you with our business partners.

There are no drop ship fees, other than standard shipping cost.

There are no order minimums but we offer some product in packages. For example, our clamps are sold in packs of ten (10).